

In the spirit of growing our community from within, kindly provide any family or friends you would like to sponsor to become a Serenité member.

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As a show of gratitude, if your Member Sponsored Guest becomes a new Member of our growing family, Serenité will waive your next year’s Annual Membership Dues. Please inform your Member Sponsored Guest we will be reaching out to them on your behalf to extend an invitation to experience a site visit and witness Serenité for themselves.

Serenité’s mission is “to create a community where families gather and traditions are born.” The most rewarding aspect for our team is witnessing these new traditions come to fruition, whether it be a group of friends that now have the opportunity to get together each spring to play golf at Mount Airy and Shawnee or children going from finding their balance on the bunny slopes to cruising with confidence down the mountain. Being a part of helping to create those special memories is something our entire team takes seriously. We know how important these getaways with the ones you love truly are.

Todd Cannon, Serenité CEO